Lets Get The Word Out
Share apps is designed for peer to peer referral advertising.
By utilizing the share apps plugin, your web app or mobile app can be empowered for peer-to-peer sharing.
As shown in the video, the plugin prompts your web app or mobile users to invite contacts from their phonebook and email address book.
When invited, the selected users will receive your pre-customized SMS and Email. There is a message dashboard for customization.
The application also includes an independent royalty reward cashout for sharing.
Premium Value + Best Price
Share apps is the best promotional platform for websites and mobile apps.
It also delivers the best pricing compared to other form of promotion for websites and mobile apps.
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Getting started
2) Login to the dashboard and create a new app
Shareapps allow users to create and operate multiple apps from a single account.
* App Name – Name your app
* Shareapp Status – Yes or No. Can be used to temporary disable sharing.
* Frequency: The maximum number of invites each person can receive within the specified interval.
* Interval: The duration limit of the frequency
For example, If frequency is 3 and interval is 30, one person will receive a maximum of 3 invites every 30days. This is designed for budget management and nuisance associated with multiple invitations.
* Royalty Amount: This is how much you are willing to reward users who invite their friends.
If you configure a royalty amount of $0.01, it implies that you are looking to rewars $0.01 for every invitation. Hence If a user invites 200contacts from their phonebook or email, they will be rewarded with $2. Royalties executed by shareapps are redeemed through direct bank transfer or international airtime recharge. Read more
* Silent Post URL: ShareAd will post all share events to your server through this URL. This is useful for your backend development and also can power your inapp referral rewards.
3) Design/Configure SMS and Email messages
When creating email and sms, there are tags designed to include the details of the sender in the message.
%%email%% - Refers to the email of the person sending the invite
%%phone_number%% -- Refers to the phone number of the person sending the invite
%%firstname%% - Refers to the Firstname of the person sending the invite
%%lastname%% - Refers to the Firstname of the person sending the invite
Eg. If your programmed sms message is “Hi, I just tried the box app. It is great for cloud storage. Check out www.box.com/downloads. - %%Firstname%% %%Lastname%%
This implies that the message will be signed out with the Firstname and Lastname of the person sending the invite.
Regional Messaging
When creating the email or sms message, there is an option to specify the specific countries.
For example, you may want different emails or sms messages for different countries because of language differences.
4) Topup your app wallet and add a payment method for your app.
You can load the app wallet with any amount reflective of your advertising budget. If the balance runs out, share invitations will not be delivered.
If there is a share event and your balance runs out, your card will be charged with additional $10 to keep your account running until you manually topup a higher value price.
5) Give your development credentials to your developers.
6) Monitor your traffic and promote your apps.
“Send Sms” and “Send Email” are designed for follow-up messages. This is particularly useful for broadcast of promotional events or celebrational greetings.